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Varför skulle någon vilja ha en plugg?

Skrivet av Justine & Juliette, 22 February 19:02, 0 kommentar(er)

Vi tog oss friheten att låna ett kul utdrag från en annan fin blogg där ute på internet:

"...maybe you’re thinking WHY would anyone ever want an anal plug? Often people use them the way my reader is interested—to prep them for a real-life romp in the backyard. But on top of that, anal plugs are popular with hetero couples interested in double penetration. For some women, using an anal plug while their partner is all up inside their ladybits is like chewing a stick of Double Mint Gum. ...Some people also insert anal plugs and then go about their daily business, which apparently can be interesting."

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Taggar: analt, tips & råd

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